Keyword Valuation Sheet
Want to calculate the value of our SEO services for your business? Download our SEO calculator here! All you need to know is:
Average revenue from one sale or enquiry
Specific keyword search volume
Your website's current conversion rate*
*If you do not know, you can estimate it using the techniques provided in our calculator or within the FAQs below!
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do the CTR percentages not add up to 100 %?
We do not always find what we need every google search, so the remaining 24% tend to search again. If your keyword has a high ratio of people searching again, it is likely your product will fill the void as it will have significantly less competition.
What if I do not know my website conversion rate?
This can be estimated based on your industry from a 2021 study by Unbounce. It clearly shows average and median conversion rates for websites in specific sectors. You can calculate your CTR using Google Analytics 4 too; just divide your number of clicks (how many times your website is clicked by a user), by your number of impressions (how many times your website appears on a search).
What if I just run paid advertisements instead?
Though this sounds promising to pay your way to the top, most people know that paid adverts appear at the top of search results. This means the paid ads get 2 % or lower CTR and cost you significant amounts of money per click through Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns. SEO is a much safer and smarter investment as it will continually grow your authority in your sector, whereas paid advertisements are temporary and have lower CTRs.
How do I find a keyword's search volume?
Normally, paid subscriptions to services like Semrush or Ahrefs are required, but some free tools are available online. Search volume generally increases with keyword difficultly, so large volume keywords require significantly strong SEO campaigns to reach the top but they are infinitely more rewarding for your business!
How can I increase my CTR?
You need to develop an improved ergonomic User Interface (UI), and Strike Search can assist you with that! A poorly designed UI is one of the main reasons prospective customers may use your website and then leave. For example, they may find it difficult to use. Strike Search are able to optimise your website's design, funnelling clients towards your enquiry form and your checkout!
How can I increase my value from SEO?
The best way to increase your value from SEO is to focus on creating content that targets roughly 20 keywords within a specific niche. For example, only targeting related terms to Honda Civic repairs instead of all Japanese cars when selling car parts. Think about your customers, they will search for their car make and model, not just the brand. This decreases the strength of your keyword competition and maintains a high search volume, and therefore, increases your revenue from your SEO investment. Then, expanding your optimised content to include multiple car brands and popular models will result in your website being highly ranked on search engines for all Japanese car repairs.
Optimise Your Website Today
Get in touch and discuss how we can help your business succeed online.
Remember: you only need to beat your competitors!